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🌱 Stop Ecocide Youth Netherlands is hosting an Ecocide Café: a space for art and conversations about Ecocide. You can find the program at the bottom!

📍 11 november 12.00 to 17.00 at Nieuwland Amsterdam.

🌍 Everyone is invited to join us to experience an afternoon of new ideas. No matter whether it's your first time hearing of Ecocide or you've been involved for a long time, we are looking forward to seeing you!

✉️ Would you like to contribute with your art or in another way? Get in touch with us via youth@stopecocide.nl or on instagram (@stopecocideyouthnl).

🇳🇱 Stop Ecocide NL Youth organiseert voor de tweede keer een Ecocide Café: ditmaal met ruimte voor kunst en gesprekken over Ecocide. Het programma vind je onderaan deze pagina.

📍 11 november 12.00 tot 17.00 uur bij Nieuwland Amsterdam.

🌍 Tussen 12:00 en 17:00 uur kun je binnenlopen om mee te doen aan een middag bomvol inspiratie. Is ecocide nieuw voor jou of weet je er al iets over? Stop Ecocide NL Youth kijkt ernaar uit je te ontmoeten!

✉️ Wil je bijdragen met je kunst of op een andere manier? Neem dan contact op via youth@stopecocide.nl of op instagram (@stopecocideyouthnl).

Program Ecocide Café:

12.00: Babs Verhoeve- talk:

A crime of ecocide, what do we want and will it happen soon? 

Stop Ecocide NL aims for the mass destruction of nature to be globally recognised as a crime. We target decisionmakers within governments, business and all sectors in society to support ecocide as a 5th international crime, as a crime under EU law and in national criminal law. 

We are excited that civil society support is growing widely, but we need all kinds of narratives to help grow it even more. What role can artists play? What do young people have to say? We want to hear from you! 

12.20: Sofi- talk:

On October, a new contract was signed into law by Panama's government, granting First Quantum a 20-year mining right. The devastating cost of this agreement is the environmental degradation and destroying of Panamanian land and biodiversity. Sofi will talk about this subject and her insights from a Panamanian and her connection to it.

12.45: Sam van Zoest- movie screening:

The Century of My Grandfather is an interactive film in which the viewer determines the story the characters tell. The story is set in the future and covers the period 1994-2100. In an interview setting, the grandson (Sam van Zoest) tries to find out why the world has changed so much. Grandfather (Eugen Zomer) narrates the story, directed by the viewer. The film is written and directed by Sam van Zoest.                                                                          Director of Photography is Serhan Meewisse.

13.30: Fernanda Poblete- talk:

 I am Fernanda Poblete, founder and general coordinator of Chile Sin Ecocidio. I will share with you about who we are, our work and explain the environment chapter of a new law (recently passed and published), that criminalise ecocide which seeks to systematise economic crimes and environmental crimes while modifying the criminal liability of legal persons.

14.10: Theo Rekelhof- movie screening:

Orchestrating Nature is a philosophical art-performance film about humanity’s relationship with nature being in a state of war. Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history and the rate of species going extinct is accelerating with an alarming speed.

Humanity’s global impact on Nature is the same as war’s turmoil and devastating aftermath. In this undeclared war with Nature humanity is conducting suicidal warfare, gradually orchestrating the sixth mass extinction taking everyone into ruin.

Various people and cultures have different relations to Nature but the destruction caused by those who are at war with Nature has a global impact that affect all.
We have the ability and responsibility to look towards the welfare of Nature on whom we are completely dependent.

Humanity is not just a doomed to destroy creature. We’re also kind, loving, caring and in awe of Nature. To preserve the beauty and fullness of the Nature we love, we have to turn the tide of this war. It is time for peace. Translated to a symphonic performance we explore the story of war, peace, and forgiveness in the relationship between an orchestra (Nature) and its dictating conductor (Humanity).

15.00: Tanja Beentjes- talk:

Bottom line! A successful energy transition is free from ecocide and starts with......The demand for minerals for the energy transition increases exponentially. Which path are we on? How does a fair and successful energy transition look like? Tanja will be going in conversation with the attendees about the images and vocabulary needed to get on the right track.

15.45: Esin Guler- movie screening:

"Nexus'' is an animated short in which I explore our relationship between nature and technology. I wanted to navigate the evolution of consciousness from cellular to complex organisms along with the exploited and extracted resources from the earth to shape our technology.

Despite the sixth mass extinction we are in, at the expense of our environment and other life forms that we share in our ecosystem, the expansionary approach to exploit our resources doesn't even slow down.

In the midst of our existential crisis, the illusory nature of technological interface captures every moment of our life and expands into an emerging class struggle and newly developing hierarchy. When technological development exceeds the pace of our own evolution by a thousandfold rate, can we imagine our existence and place in this future?

No matter how bright technology looks, could our emancipation from nature be possible without annihilation 

During the whole day art by:

Florence Hugo- a visual projection:

Wounded Healer - Florence Hugo, they/them, @theflorencehugo

To find ways of grieving the degradation of nature, Florence Hugo creates alter-egos based on experiences in different types of nature in and around their hometown Nijmegen. They then try to build relationships with these alter egos by embodying them. The video performance presented here was captured in a shallow wetland. According to legends, people once came to an oak tree at the edge of these wetlands to miraculously heal from disease. Now the area itself deals with pollution, invasive species and over drafting.

Irene- paintings:

My art is a statement of women’s body empowerment and a call to appreciate and conserve nature. As an ecofeminist, I see the relationship between the suppression of women and the exploitation of nature through capitalism and the patriarchy. Through my art I rebel against the categorisation of nature as a resource for humans to exploit and women as sexualised objects. I want to change the view on women’s nakedness away from objectification towards acceptance of natural bodies with hair, individual body shapes and the normalisation of taboo topics like the menstruation. The women’s nakedness in nature symbolises the deep natural connection between women and nature and the need to re-harmonise with the cycles of nature.

Berenike Prüfer- paintings:

In this series I experimented with translating my emotions and thoughts about the climate crisis, into art. The process of making them was a part of a healing process, between me and my climate anxiety.  Hopelessness, frustration, fear and anger are most prominent here. By painting out my thoughts and emotions, a little spark of hope came. Because if something so horrible can make people create art, than maybe there is hope for a better future, for a green and safe world. It was a process of grief and disbelief of how we came here, but I do have hope. Art, awareness and action will protect us from the flames created by the consequences of our past actions.